paige ditullio

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My Haircut and Color

Hi everyone! The topic I am asked most about is my hair, so today I wanted to share more information on how I get my hair cut and colored as well as share a few photos you could use for reference since i’ve found sharing photos often leads to the best outcome.

how to get lived in, beachy bronde hair color

  • I ask for lived-in color because it’s more low maintenance and I don’t have to go in as often. Right now my appointments vary from 8-16 weeks just depending on my schedule.

  • No base color

  • No ombre or thick highlights

  • We do a partial babylight and then every 2-3 visits she will do more of a full babylight to keep the bottom layers from being too dark.

  • Face framing highlights (some stylists call it the “money piece” haha)

  • Neutral tone; a lot of people gravitate towards cool tones and I’ve tried it but neutral looks best with my skin tone. Be open to what your stylist suggests!

  • Root smudge to help blend my natural hair with the highlights; this is done after the initial wash.

how i keep my hair color fresh between visits

  • Ask for lived in color. I know I just mentioned this, but talk to your stylist about how often you realistically can/ want to go in and they’ll adjust how they place the color for the best grow-out. Your schedule won’t always match your reference photos, but your stylist will help come up with a plan that fits your life and preferences.

  • Use quality products. Not everything needs to be expensive, but try to find sulfate-free products, since sulfates strip the color and dry out your hair. If you’re having trouble getting your sulfate-free shampoo to get bubbly and sudsy, add more water, not shampoo.

  • Treat with a mask. One reason why your hair color looks so good when you first leave a salon is that they’ve added products that moisturize your hair and repair damage. I personally just use a hair mask instead of conditioner when I wash my hair, but you could also do a deep conditioning treatment once a week. This one is my favorite right now, and you can see all of the products I use and recommend here.

  • Use less heat and less product. I think the main secret to keeping my hair color fresh is that I don’t blow dry it and avoid using a ton of styling products. I like to let my hair “breathe” for lack of a better word, and using too much dry shampoo/ hair spray can lead to product build-up and be really harsh on your hair.

low maintenance, beachy hair cut

I am much pickier about my haircut than I am the color. I have fine hair, but I have a lot of it so it feels really thick and can be heavy at times. My hair is also naturally straight, so even though I curl it most days, I try to get my hair cut to work with my natural texture. I get my haircut every 12ish weeks since it grows fast. Here’s exactly what I ask for:

  • A “V” cut with shortest, face-framing layers in the front, turning to a point  in the back. I personally like that sharp point (like a tail haha), but you obviously don’t have to go as intense.

  • I need to fit my hair in a pony tail, so the shortest layer is a few inches below my chin, but slightly shorter than collar bone length.

  • We go for long layers in the back to reduce weight and add a bit of movement and dimension

  • I personally don’t like the “fresh hair cut” clean lines/ blunt ends, so my stylist takes time to make the ends look a little more lived in while still getting rid of split ends.

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