10 things I want to do before I turn 27


sweater // jeans // shoes // glasses - the doctor (ha), but these are practically identical and less than $10


in spirit of my last post, here is another little list :) maybe being in your “mid- twenties” just means making a bunch of lists haha. today’s post is all about 10 things i want to do before I turn 27. the age is 27 because i don’t like numbers that start with 3 anymore. i’m honestly allergic to the number 30.

10 things I want to do before I turn 27

more international travel

i have been very, very lucky to do a lot of traveling, but most of it has been within the united states – i am just an american girl by heart, and there are so many states i still haven't visited yet. but i want to go abroad at least twice before i turn 27.

a big fat family vacation

doesn’t that have a ring to it? haha so green harbor is a place in Massachusetts where me and my cousins used to all go for a week or two when we were kids during summer vacation. it was so special because we are rarely in the same place at the same time, and even when we are, we are so busy doing our own thing that we don’t get to just relax and hang out with each other. the last time we all met up in green harbor was probably 10 years ago so i would love for all of us to have a little summer vacation together before we are using walkers - and with all my years of cheering that might be coming for me sooner than them.

learn to ski or snowboard

so here’s the thing… i’ve taken snowboard lessons quite a few times when i was growing up, but they always ended up with me discovering i’m not immediately at the Olympic level and getting frustrated and walking out haha so it would be nice to actually learn the skill and overcome that little temper tantrum that comes on when i find a skill that doesn’t come easy to me 🤦🏻‍♀️ (kidding about the temper tantrum - i am not a total monster i swear).

scuba dive

i’m way too late to this party, i know.

host a “thank you” dinner

if there’s anything else i will never stop saying, it’s that i am so lucky for all that i have and everyone that’s in my life. i want to host a little dinner for everyone i love to thank them for all they have done for me and taught me :) super cheeeeesy, but also super over-due.

cross country road trip

because why not.

live somewhere other than southern california

even if it’s just for like a month, it would be nice to switch it up and get a different perspective. i think out of state would be a fun adventure, but california is a huge state so i could end up eight hours away and still be in the same state. and let’s be honest, i can’t bear to be away from my pups for very long so a month is probably the max.

learn a new skill

i feel like you should always be learning something whether it’s computer coding, taking a law class, calligraphy. i don’t necessarily know exactly what skill i want to learn yet, but i do know that i want to be learning something new all the time.

be killing it in my career


be happy

double duh.

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