magic gardens

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Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens basically speaks for itself. it’s such an unexpected yet enchanting little hideaway within the city. if you are exploring around you will see these little mosaic tiles in random spots - and then you see them in their entirety in the magic gardens and it all kind of comes together. some of the tiles have little phrases or words on them, too - you can of course study the history of the gardens for context but i would rather just kind of make up my own meanings for it all :)

if you are planning on visiting - the tickets run in 30 minute increments but they are not super strict with it (we stayed for a while and were not timed whatsoever). we got there at 11:30 on a saturday and it wasn’t crowded at all.

all photos of me were taken by kiernan rome of shutterup photography - if you are in the philly area definitely check her out! she not only super talented but a great friend and fun person to explore with as well.


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ps my shoes are an old collab between supra and badwood - i call them my orthopedic shoes because they are that comfy and my body feels that old.

and now i am thinking about the time when i got what is sometimes called a “bible bump” on my wrist and how that conversation is still to this day the most confusing one i’ve ever had with my orthopedic surgeon 🤯🤷🏻‍♀️

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still not over seeing butterflies everywhere 🦋 ..

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thank you for reading :) x

all photos of me by kiernan rome x

keep reading