spring in the city


hellloooo :) hope you are all having a good week!

today i’m sharing some photos from one of my favorite days yet :)

nothing fancy - my friend amanda and i went to the park to just hang out. but i think what was so great about it is that it really was nothing fancy.

amanda and i have been friends since like middle school but haven’t been to the same school or lived close to each other in years so we don’t see each other that much - this trip was actually the most time we have ever spent with each other. and she didn’t kill me :) ha.

but for real.. it was nice to just hang out and do whatever. sometimes i get caught up in a “go go go” mentality and this day was the perfect reminder to just stop and take it in every once in a while.

amanda is super into rock climbing and some of her friends were slack lining so she joined in while i walked around and read a book - we all know i would’ve broken my neck or something 🙈 but it’s so nice to have friends who just get you and let you do your own thing.. for the afternoon or a few months (or even years) and then when you come back together, it’s exactly as it was before.


this picture truly captures me and amanda’s friendship.. she’s always really goofy and carefree and always making people laugh.. just never in a bad mood :)

and just because i feel like it.. 3 more things i love about amanda:

  1. she is insanely kind. like not just nice to strangers and smiling at other and all that, but she just innately understands who people are and what they’re about and lets them be themselves.

  2. she’s super smart. so so so smart. (and always entertains me when i ask a million questions)

  3. and.. she knows what can/ cannot go in the microwave 🔥 aren't friendship supposed to offset each other’s weaknesses? haha


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