two years of blogging

second chances | paige ditullio

hi :) today marks two years of blogging.

in honor of that, i decided to re-design my site - i hope you like it. i think this will always be a work in progress, and i’m already excited to see what the next version looks like. one of my biggest regrets (although i don’t know if that’s the right word), is that i never got to take a branding class in school. in some ways, i’m ok with it because curriculum can sometimes get you too in your head, but at the same time, i do wish i had the opportunity to do work with case studies or learn about methodology and color psychology and things like that.

most importantly, thank you. thank you. thank you. whether this is your first time on my site or you’ve been reading for a while, i cannot thank you enough. the fact that more people read this blog than i ever could have dreamed of is still wild to me and will never get old. ever. please say hi every once in a while - i would love to get to know you more.


p.s. shout out to my mom who took these photos in the “freezing” 60 degree weather.. she’s the best.


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